Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Suzie Allain

When my friend Betsy posted the other day about Suzie Allain, I was reminded again what a plethora of creative talent we have in this city. Suzie is the aunt of my very best friend and is an amazing painter and designer. She shows her paintings at Hazlenut among other places, and has the wonderful booth Caravan at Agora that I posted on HERE. She is also the one who got me my current job and inspired me to become a designer! Above and beyond all that, she is a super cool woman and great mother who has raised two of the most talented and wonderful kids I have ever known. Check her website out HERE....


  1. Wow what a great role model/mentor!! We all need one, and I really have tried to do so for my old assistant. Maybe one day I'll have another assistant.

    Love these photos, excited to check out her site!


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