Friday, November 9, 2012

art i love: heidi lender

I am super lucky to count an art gallery owner as one of my besties...I absolutely love modern art, and Guthrie Contemporary has what I consider to be the best and freshest contemporary art in New Orleans. I have long admired Susan Dory, one of Leslie's artists who has actually become a friend - and one day Susan is going to do a piece just for me! (I am saving my pennies for that one)

But this post is about her newest photographer - Heidi Lender. Heidi has been featured in many magazines and blogs for series "Once Upon". Also called "Who Am I?", because Heidi takes photos of herself in different interiors and outfits but obscures her face. I find them fascinating and beautiful, because we can all find our style or personality in one of the settings. How cool is it that we can know so much about a person from what they choose to wear and surround themselves with? The only constant in Heidi's photographs is her furry companion - her adorable dog.

My faves:

Might have to get this one - my father grew up in a trailer in rural Mississippi

 And the one I am now the proud owner of!!!!! :

This one echoes the modern minimalist dreaminess of my bedroom and my design style

 Check out her entire series and let me know which one speaks to you...Happy weekend!


  1. I love the one you got (you lucky dog!) and the one with the green trellis wallpaper in the background. What I would give to be her and have such beautiful clothes and be photographed in such cool settings! Props to Leslie and Guthrie Contemporary for showcasing such beautiful pieces!

  2. The trailer one is hands down my fave!


  3. This was one of my first blog posts. It brings back fond memories!


Love to hear your thoughts!