Tuesday, July 17, 2012

coffee table redo

When you are broke like I am you have to find crafty projects you can do for little money. This past weekend my goal was to paint my coffee table. I absolutely loved the wicker with chrome base, the size and shape, and the fact that it is a Milo Baughman original that I got for a steal... but the wicker was way too browney orange for my black/gray/coral color scheme. So for two cans of spray paint this:

Became this:

Yes, it is bold and black and a lot of people have a problem with altering original finishes on vintage or antique pieces. I don't. I say no matter how much it costs or if it was in your great-grandmother's house, if it doesn't work with your style, it isn't worth anything. It's all just stuff, people. I say if you can change something to make it work for you and your family, that makes it more valuable and sentimental.

Next up this coming weekend: another painting project. This time on canvas!


  1. Oh, do tell what you are planning!!! My canvas projects all end up unfinished... but I am always inspired by your successes!

  2. I totally agree with this philosophy--people are too sensitive!

    Although I do sometimes have trouble taking the plunge when there i no turning back. Like thinking about spraying the legs on my eames chairs. Harder to repaint back to chrome!

  3. Looks amazing! I totally agree with you about altering furniture. Dorothy Draper said the same thing and look how fabulous her rooms were! :) -Boo

  4. Love it!! Looks great against the rug.


Love to hear your thoughts!