Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If i was a rich girl....

Today I would buy:

These vintage chairs

this ring for my right hand - I can buy myself diamonds!

this Frank Gehry bracelet from Tiffany's

this blanket I already had and sold - regret...

this house is not for sale but I would make them an offer they can't refuse

this Rolex with fun pink face makes me happy

these tables by Silas Seandel are my life

a whole set of luggage from Steamline - actually not that expensive at all!
What would you buy today if money were no object?


  1. Ohhh I love this post. And cannot believe you sold that blanket!!

  2. This is funny-I was just thinking today that I would freeze up completely if money was no object. There's so much I love, I often feel lucky to be limited by funds! This has gotten me thinking, though....

  3. Still can't believe you sold the Avalon but I know it will be yours again! Of course I want the tables. And yes buy your diamonds -- I may need to here pretty soon as well!

  4. Oh, so sad about the sold Avalon! xo

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my tables on your blog, I really appreciate it. I have recently joined Houzz & Pinterest and I would love to connect with you there.

    Silas Seandel


Love to hear your thoughts!