Tuesday, November 1, 2011

rash decisions, inc

Goodness - even if I think about something for six months to a year, when the decision is made, I sometimes feel like it was such a rash and unplanned thing! Do you ever feel like that? So once I decided to sell the Beni Ourain rug, of course someone contacted me about it right away I had some regrets. What is really bothering me is the large piece of dark wood that is the coffee table. So I should have kept the rug and done a creamy table - maybe parchment or painted grasscloth. Oh, well. The rug is possibly going away in the morning so here are shots of where we are now - memories for later....what a process in this crazy apartment!

Painted this Biedermeier chair white


  1. I think you're insane but I love you anyways!

  2. oh I am totally the same. I can easily advise ithers on interior design but I find it impossible to make a decision for myself. If you want to change the style then I guess its a good decision to sell the rug : )

    p.s. I love the white painted chair!

  3. WOW, it's looking great! Love the tall lamp! (and of course that brass lamp on the table ;))I hear ya though... I think we all go through these issues... $$ is another factor that at least holds me back... Oh how I wish money wasn't an issue!! - BOO


Love to hear your thoughts!