Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lost in space

I have been so lost lately - well, not lost as I have been intensely focused on things other than this blog - the LSAT (done), my MA degree (done), my newest and biggest client (ongoing but almost done), my birthday and out of town visitors (done), and now upcoming holidays and work obligations....I have not been very inspired by interior design.
Then I saw Barbarella on TV the other night. This was one of my fave movies when I was young, because it was so over the top. It is one of the most stupid/fun movies of all time. Jane Fonda saves the world with the help of a blind angel and has many adventures such as being almost killed to death by orgasm in the Orgasmatron.(P.S. that's the way I want to go...)

The fashion designer Paco Rabanne did the costume design for the movie. He is still showing futuristic dresses in metal and plastic at the age of 78, and he has always had an interest in the paranormal...

This made me think of his famous Space Curtain - dividing curtains made from aluminum, brass, copper, or plastic that he designed in 1970. I have always wanted one, but they sell for 4-10k.

Don't you just love? Here they are in some amazing interiors. I love the way it can be incorporated into a folding screen or architectural space in a home...

So maybe I am getting inspired again... Barbarella would be a sensational Halloween costume! Happy weekend everyone...


  1. Love a little bit of glam! And weirdly, I have never seen Barbarella. Must put it in the netflix queue.

  2. love it--so glam! Weirdly, I have never seen Barbarella. Must add to netflix queue immediately.

  3. You are one busy woman! I love glitz, but more for my person than my home :)


Love to hear your thoughts!