Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm back?

Well, guys, I'm back. Sort of. I have really enjoyed not having to come up with a new blog post every day. I mean, really enjoyed it. I still have some graduate exams to do this month to finish up my MA, so there may still be some erratic posting, but I will try to also post some re: interior design because I miss you lovers.
I also have a new client starting up Friday morning, so I will be discussing some stuff in that area with you guys as we work through a design plan.
Meanwhile, Fall is starting - enjoy these pics....oh, and PS I have lost 16 lbs! yay for me!


  1. I was wondering where you went!? Girl, you lookin' good! I saw you outside the store yesterday in a FAB outfit!! Hot pink pants yes please!! - Boo

  2. Congratulations on everything !! Sounds like your doing great !


  3. Thanks, guys! Betsy, those pants did not fit when I bought them but I can not turn down clothing that color! hahaha love them with the leopard! Gotta come see you soon!

  4. God have I missed you! 16 lbs?!! You're wasting away. These images just made my morning!

  5. Yay for new clients and working towards your goal weight!

  6. Ok first of all, I am so excited to have you back!

    Secondly, 16 lbs.?? What have you been doing with yourself? Let me in on your secret.

    Lastly, congrats on the projects and exams!

  7. Erika,
    I am on crazy insane thermogenic diet pills - and I am jogging every night. I was at my heaviest weight ever! Really hit rock bottom, which for me was about 20lbs overweight. I know that is not much for some people, but I would never let myself get obese. That was an uncomfortable weight for me...will send you underwear pics before/after if you want! TMI....hahahahah

  8. Love the second image. Way to go on you lost lbs!!
    Enjoy your day


Love to hear your thoughts!