Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday Space - Novogratz love

I usually do not like what the Novogratz hoard does on tv (there are like 13 kids in this family). I think it is too funky, rainbow bright, and weird. For example, they covered beds in duct tape on the last show. They also use art that costs, at the low end, 30k. Anything looks good with art that costs 30k.  But I am losing my mind with love over this loft they just completed that will be on next week's Home by Novogratz on HGTV. I have wanted a Dixon copper pendant light forever! I think this is the most mature and restrained space they have ever done. What do you think?


  1. I have their show dvr'd so I haven't seen it yet but I like their style to a point. I am not sure I could live with all of it all the time but the light boxes and the rugs are great but the art!!!!! I have inquired as to the price of the queen piece but have never heard back from either Ann, the artist or Six Design. I would love to have that in my house.
    I found you from a comment on Habitually Chic so I am off to read your blog.
    PS, ignore the haters.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Mary Beth! I am sure that Queen piece is at least 10 to 20k now that it has gotten so much press from is pretty crazy.

  3. I love this space. The colors, the lights, the windows...pretty nice vibe!


  4. Gorgeous ! I havent seen the new show yet, I have it recorded...need to watch it later ! I am in love with the dixon copper pendants as well !!


  5. A bit disappointed as well. I liked their show on Bravo better. They are not mainstream or budget friendly and they are trying to design for the average suburbo type familys. It's awkward and doesn't work.

  6. I loved this space, too! I didn't really have a favorite Novogratz design before... especially not among the few episodes I've seen.

  7. It's light, airy and I love those pendants. I don't normally like what they do. This is definitely a first.

  8. I have to say, thus far, I can't stand their style. And, the husband really annoys me.

  9. Carmie - I love that you said that! I usually don't like much of what they do, or their voices, or his personality. But that loft was delish. Except for the metallic mess..all the metallic lamé crap could go.

  10. I cannot stand them, nor do I like their designs; I find them hideous and Jarring. For some reason I find them personally irritating. When they are done, it looks as if someone let a few 12 year-olds loose and gave them carte blanche to decorate as they wish. Also, in my opinion, designers actually do the design. All they do is get stuff and put it in a space; they don't do their own art, painting, or even floral arrangements!


Love to hear your thoughts!