Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crazy Weekend

You know some weekends you get to do so much and still feel like you did so little? This weekend was the first of two Jazzfest weekends - our biggest festival after Mardi Gras. There were tons of great performances, food and crafts. I went for the first time ever - and luckily my fave musician was playing! Alejandro Sanz from Spain is always on my ipod, and when I lived in Mexico I learned so much spanish from listening to his music. He is adorable and I have the biggest crush on him! Please check out an old video of his HERE, of the song "Quisiera Ser", which includes the lyrics "I would like to be the air that comes out of your mouth when you laugh, I would like to be the blood that you surround with your life." Uh, yeah, I'm in.  Unfortunately after a day in the sun I was too wiped out to go stalk him at the Ritz.

Then on Monday I took tons of art over to my client's house so we could change her entry around. She fell in love with this piece by Bernd Haussmann and we will have to decide what to do under it. It totally goes with everything she has already collected art-wise, and gives her an emotional response, unlike the previous entry setup. He is an internationally recognized artist and has been in Elle Decor and other mags millions of times! Now we just have to decide if we will leave it spare like a gallery, or add something. I would love to do a velvet settee under it or something a little more cozy and full since it is such a big entry.
We moved the skirted table to the living room and hung two pieces in the space to the left of her fireplace. We have a long way to go with choosing lamps, mirrors, rugs, and of course furniture for that room, but things are starting to come together!

Hope you had just as productive/fun a weekend! Now it is back to the daily grind...


  1. LOVE the painting, and the velvet settee idea is perfect!

    I've always wanted to go to JazzFest...one of these days!

  2. We missed yo ass yesterday! That table looks good next to the fireplace. And loving the scale of the new artwork on that wall. Well done!


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