Monday, March 28, 2011

Modern 15/5

I have said it before, and I will say it again- designers look at hundreds of images a week (sometimes a day), and after studying and traveling and moving a million times, there is not a style on earth that I haven't looked at and enjoyed. Many people like to pin a certain "style" on designers, but we can do any style, and your house should look like YOU, not like your designer's house. Don't pigeonhole us into what we may have photographed of our work, or what we have chosen for our own homes. Work with someone you enjoy, that you have a chemistry with, and an honest give and take. The design process should be fun, not too stressful, and while you shouldn't be bullied into anything you hate, the designer is there to push boundaries and elevate your style, so please compromise. If you hate a paint color, you can change it - it's just paint! Take a chance.
All that being said, my amazing client Jamie (romantic traditional) recommended me to her friend. I know these ladies are much less modern in their styles than I am personally, and their homes' architecture is gorgeous, with high ceilings and moldings. I love these types of homes, and while I have chosen to live in slick apartment buildings because that has worked for me, I am so excited to get the chance to do something a little more traditional, but with a fresh, young take. I am very inspired by this home Nathan Turner did for actress Amanda Peet. I am hoping that Mara's style will be "bohemian traditional" like this.
I guess I should change my blog title to Modern 15/5!

1 comment:

  1. Especially love her daughter's room!

    I know you'll do an amazing job and can't wait to see photos. ;o)


Love to hear your thoughts!