Alright guys - here is my first giveaway ever! And there aren't too many of you so you really have a great chance of winning.. a PAIR of these amazing fireworks throw pillows from Anthropologie!
These are insane up close - hand stitched and the colors are so rich. They are huge and gorgemous! Alls ya gotta do is make sure you are following this blog - over on the right - and leave me a comment saying hello with your first name and where you are from. I will announce the winner next week!
Have a super duper weekend!
Hello my name is Tess and I'm from Texas
tcogbill at live dot com
Love those pillows! I saw them on Anthropologie's site but they were so pricey. Renee from DC
I'm Erin from Minneapolis!
What a generous giveaway! These pillows are FAB-U-LOUS!! The colors, the texture, I LOVE them!
I am Lisa from Denver!
Love the pillows and love your blog.
Hello! Kimberley from San Francisco.
I'm Ana Belen from Spain!!!
Ana Belén R.M
You are on your way to becoming the Top Designer in the country! Your blog is fabulous.
Julia Daily
hey elizabeth. thanks for letting me know. i'm pam, from seattle. and i'm already a follower. i saw that nursery you did on another blog. recognized it instantly as yours from reading about it here. love it!! pam
Hi - I follow already. I'm Danielle (from Canada). Love those pillows!
- Danielle
other-option AT hotmial DOT com
Great giveaway- I love Anthroplogie- such cool stuff.
I'm Emily- from Portland,Oregon.
emsfsemsfs at gmail dot com
Hi Elizabeth!
Anne Marie from Baton Rouge here. Those pillows are fabulous and would be smashing in my MCM-inspired living room! Love your blog and hope to visit you next time I'm on Magazine St.
Loving the pillows and your blog!! I am now a follower!! Sissy from North Carolina (I feel like I am on the Miss USA Pageant!)
Those pillows are breathtaking! Fingers = crossed!
Liz from Michigan
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
Hi, I'm Nicole from Charleston, SC! Just found your blog via MadeByGirl and LOVE it! These pillows are gorgeous!!!!!
-your newest follower!
I'm a gfc follower from NC.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Hello, hello! Rebecca June from Orange County! What I am so excited about is that I have never seen this pillow before and it is exactly what i have been looking for for a new pillow for my family room. Even if I do not win, now I will have to find it and make it mine!
Beautiful blog as always.
Rebecca June
Lissa from Atlanta!
Love your blog and have been reading awhile.....but just realized I wasn't following. Am now and love it!
Those are glorious! I love the colors and design! I had admired the rug with that design at Anthro but had no idea there were pillow too! Oh, and I am Paige from Houston. :)
I'm the lucky mom who has the to-die-for nursery that you so famously and geniusly created. I'm Elizabeth from San Diego. Mwah.
Rebecca from San Diego. Love you!
Love the blog! Glad to discover it.
Crystal from Lafayette, Louisiana
Hi! Nicole from Dallas. Saw the beautiful nursery you did for Elizabeth....great work!!!
Hi! I've added you to my google reader!
I'm Amy from Los Angeles. I'm in love with your "sweet and sour" nursery. I'm definitely going to borrow some ideas from that one when it's time for us to have a bundle of joy of our own.
AND I love those pillows!!
Beki from south louisiana piping up to say "hi" - I follow in my google reader. I LOVE those pillows!! I've had their image on my inspiration board for some time now :)
love your blog, love the pillows!
from kristen in bellevue, washington.
I love your book wall in your nursery!!!!! I'm Tara from San Diego!
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